If you like travelling by sea? You will love the P.S.E.A. Come together to meet new friends and other travelers with shared interests of a love of cruising, sea adventure and marine passage. Exchange stories, your photos and experiences, maybe sell/swap your memorabilia, old books and photos with other fellow members around the word and maybe even find new friends and travelling companions to enjoy and share your travels with at a PSEA organised event or arranged cruise voyage. The PSEA is a friendly society open to all with a common interest of a leisure life at sea and travelling. Basic membership is FREE (Paid options also available) so lets all get together and make some “ Some Ship Happen !”What is PSEA?
Association Aims
Please bear with us whilst our full commercial website is being developed but we have published here now a teaser to begin to explain what the Society is all about.
P.S.E.A. Sailing on through the 21st century.
The Society offers :
Various Membership options from Casual (Free) to Affiliated & Executive.
A basic FREE MEMBERSHIP option is available to everyone interested in sea travel and holidaying at sea, immediately on sign up. If you would like to become a more active part of our group, we further offer various options of commitment to get involved from a little to a full and active affiliation.
We’ll offer a Live Chat Forum for 24hour conversation, travel tips, updates and social interaction.
A MONTHLY regular online email newsletter keeping you abreast of topical issues.
Passenger Ship Enthusiast Association
Association Aims
Please bear with us whilst our full commercial website is being developed but we have published here now a teaser to begin to explain what the Society is all about.
P.S.E.A. Sailing on through the 21st century.
The Society offers :
Various Membership options from Casual (Free) to Affiliated & Executive.
A basic FREE MEMBERSHIP option is available to everyone interested in sea travel and holidaying at sea, immediately on sign up. If you would like to become a more active part of our group, we further offer various options of commitment to get involved from a little to a full and active affiliation.
We’ll offer a Live Chat Forum for 24hour conversation, travel tips, updates and social interaction.
A MONTHLY regular online email newsletter keeping you abreast of topical issues.
The association (society) will have a tired membership structure, with further options for free online membership. A further structured donation base progression platform of memberships with advancing club benefits.
Quarterly Downloadable magazine.*
(*Published version of magazine available only to SILVER, GOLD, Platinum members.)
1st paid level.
Blue: Basic free sign up. Membership gives you access to all on line products and chat forums and a free downloadable quarterly magazine. Plus A Digital Membership Blue card.
Bronze Membership allows further access and greater involvement to include:
Group social meetings in person, a free Holiday Cruise SUN Cap (PSEA Logo). Cruises discounts on Holidays , Buddy Cruise access register membership , Magazine Download a Digital Card & True Plastic membership card.
Silver Membership benefits as above.... But in addition, a free POLO Holiday Cotton SHIRT. Offer and access to Cruise Ship visits by invitation. Silver METAL member ship card.
Gold membership: as previous levels but in addition. A free Wind Deck Jacket. Annual Cocktail Group functions with Guest speaker. Travel Documents Wallet. Gold Metal Membership Card.
Platinum: Private by invitation As above. Dinner invitation Gibraltar. guest appearance and other un publicized other significant benefits..... FREE – Donation based.
Best Travel Offers:
Deck Chair Reading....
Over the Horizon – Memories from classic ages.
Bateau Boutique. Conference event ( To be arranged )
Authors and Publishers welcome
Talk to Blue Funnel.
Talk to Shieldhall (maybe)
Travel Holidays............ (arranged with SB maybe)
QTR magazine Superior membership groups.
Monthly Social meeting London Portsmouth Southampton.
Video Vlog promotion You Tube Channel.
Vlog up dates Cruising Today in Gibraltar Real time

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I will reply within 48 hours.